
15 March 2015

The new template engine for the Spock-Reports-Plugin is out. Let's build an asciidoc template with it.

Step 1: configure the plugin

Renato describes this step in detail on the Plugin Homepage. I've placed the properties file in src/test/resources/main/META-INF/services/ and so I place my templates also in src/test/resources/spockreporttemplate/


Just to get started, I placed two emtpy files spec-template.ad and summary-template.ad at the right location and ran my tests just to see that those empty templates are picked up.

Step 2: create a summary template

I'll start with the summary report. It seems to be the easier one. Renato already provided a markdown sample, so let's take a look at it to see the data which is available to the template.

So it seems that we have a convinience function (aggregateStats) which creates some statistical data about our test runs and the data object itself.

Let's modify the empty template in order to output both data structures:

<% def stats = com.athaydes.spockframework.report.util.Utils.aggregateStats( data ) %>

which leads to the following output: (a little bit reformatted for better readability)

['total':13, 'passed':13, 'failed':0, 'fFails':0, 'fErrors':0, 'time':258.0, 'successRate':1.0]
['DatabaseDrivenSpec':['failures':0, 'errors':0, 'skipped':0, 'totalRuns':1, 'successRate':1.0, 'time':67], 
	'DataDrivenSpec':['failures':0, 'errors':0, 'skipped':0, 'totalRuns':3, 'successRate':1.0, 'time':19], 
	'DerivedSpec':['failures':0, 'errors':0, 'skipped':0, 'totalRuns':2, 'successRate':1.0, 'time':16], 
	'EmptyStackSpec':['failures':0, 'errors':0, 'skipped':0, 'totalRuns':4, 'successRate':1.0, 'time':20], 
	'HamcrestMatchersSpec':['failures':0, 'errors':0, 'skipped':0, 'totalRuns':1, 'successRate':1.0, 'time':21], 
	'HelloSpockSpec':['failures':0, 'errors':0, 'skipped':0, 'totalRuns':1, 'successRate':1.0, 'time':3], 
	'IncludeExcludeExtensionSpec':['failures':0, 'errors':0, 'skipped':0, 'totalRuns':3, 'successRate':1.0, 'time':3], 
	'OrderedInteractionsSpec':['failures':0, 'errors':0, 'skipped':0, 'totalRuns':1, 'successRate':1.0, 'time':49], 
	'PublisherSpec':['failures':0, 'errors':0, 'skipped':0, 'totalRuns':2, 'successRate':1.0, 'time':24], 
	'StackWithOneElementSpec':['failures':0, 'errors':0, 'skipped':0, 'totalRuns':4, 'successRate':1.0, 'time':4], 
	'StackWithThreeElementsSpec':['failures':0, 'errors':0, 'skipped':0, 'totalRuns':4, 'successRate':1.0, 'time':7], 
	'StepwiseExtensionSpec':['failures':0, 'errors':0, 'skipped':0, 'totalRuns':3, 'successRate':1.0, 'time':4], 
	'UsingJUnitRulesSpec':['failures':0, 'errors':0, 'skipped':0, 'totalRuns':1, 'successRate':1.0, 'time':21]

That's great! We get hashmaps which can be easily inspected. That will make it even easier to write a template.

Now let's come up with the real template:


<% def stats = com.athaydes.spockframework.report.util.Utils.aggregateStats( data )
 %>= Specification run results

== Specifications summary

[small>#created on ${new Date()} by ${System.properties['user.name']}#

| Total          | Passed          | Failed          | Feature failures | Feature errors   | Success rate        | Total time (ms) 
| ${stats.total} | ${stats.passed} | ${stats.failed} | ${stats.fFails}  | ${stats.fErrors} | ${stats.successRate}| ${stats.time}   

== Specifications

|Name  | Features | Failed | Errors | Skipped | Success rate | Time 
<% data.each { name, map ->
 %>| $name | ${map.totalRuns} | ${map.failures} | ${map.errors} | ${map.skipped} | ${map.successRate} | ${map.time} 
<% } %>

[small]#generated by ${com.athaydes.spockframework.report.SpockReportExtension.PROJECT_URL}[Athaydes Spock Reports]#

Since MarkDown and AsciiDoc do not differ too much for this template, this was easy! Details regarding the formatting can be solved later...

To check the correct asciidoc syntax, you can simply copy and paste the result to the asciidoc live editor https://asciidoclive.com/

Step 3: create a spec template

Now let's do the same with the spec template. First try to figure out what data we will have available.


but this time, the dump does not give us such a good result: (reformatted for readability)


We can only see the different java object within the dump and not the full data structure. Since I don't like to go to the source of those structure and analyze it, I now take the MarkDown sample template and start to transform it right away. This should lead to a solution which will fit for the moment:


<%  def fmt = new com.athaydes.spockframework.report.internal.StringFormatHelper()
    def stats = com.athaydes.spockframework.report.util.Utils.stats( data )
 %>== Report for ${data.info.description.className}

=== Summary

|* Total Runs: ${stats.totalRuns}
 * Success Rate: ${fmt.toPercentage(stats.successRate)}
 * Total time: ${fmt.toTimeDuration(stats.time)}
|* Failures: ${stats.failures}
 * Errors:   ${stats.errors}
 * Skipped:  ${stats.skipped}

=== Features
    features.forEach { name, result, blocks, iterations, params ->
==== $name

Result: **$result**
        for ( block in blocks ) {
* ${block.kind} ${block.text}
        def executedIterations = iterations.findAll { it.dataValues || it.errors }
        if ( params && executedIterations ) {
| ${params.join( ' | ' )} |
            for ( iteration in executedIterations ) {
%>| ${iteration.dataValues.join( ' | ' )} | ${iteration.errors ? '(FAIL)' : '(PASS)'}
<%          } 
<%      }
        def problems = executedIterations.findAll { it.errors }
        if ( problems ) {
            out << "\nThe following problems occurred:\n\n"
            for ( badIteration in problems ) {
                if ( badIteration.dataValues ) {
                    out << '* ' << badIteration.dataValues << '\n'
                for ( error in badIteration.errors ) {
                    out << '----\n' << error << '\n----\n'

[small]#generated by ${com.athaydes.spockframework.report.SpockReportExtension.PROJECT_URL}[Athaydes Spock Reports]#

The result looks good :-) Now that we have the summary report and all spec reports, we can add a small section to the summary template which includes all spec reports or order to create one big report file:

<% data.each { name, map ->

<% } %>

Now we only need to create a gradle task which renders it.