08 Jan 2025
In vielen Demos sehe ich, wie Jemand mit Tools wie Github Copilot zu Code Tests erzeugen lässt. Das geht so schön einfach mit der Maschine und schnell hat man 100% Code-Coverage.
18 Oct 2024
Note Links sind Affiliate-Links Letzte Woche habe ich mir den Elgato Prompter zugelegt. Elgato ist bekannt für seine Qualität – und entsprechende Preise. Die Erwartungen waren hoch, insbesondere aufgrund des eingebauten Bildschirms mit USB-C-Anschluss. Doch ich wurde schnell überrascht, nicht nur im positiven Sinne.
09 Sep 2024
Künstliche Intelligenz in der Softwarearchitektur praktisch einsetzen Künstliche Intelligenz macht Softwarearchitektur und kann Architektinnen und Architekten auf vielfältige Weise bei Entwurf, Prüfung oder Diagramm unterstützen.
22 Oct 2023
Software-Architecture and ChatGPT How will the work of a software architect change with AI?
21 Sep 2023
Recording and editing a podcast is a lot of fun. There is something special talking to each other and exchanging ideas, have a laugh and producing an artifact that potentially a lot of people can listen to to get some value.
17 Sep 2023
Imagine you are working at an early stage startup and you are tasked with tracking meaningful metrics. And then imagine you are working at an enterprise company with the same task.
16 Jun 2023
In part two of the series we discussed what DevRel north star metrics commonly get used across the industry. We also saw that it can be quite tricky to find the right metrics to measure because they are plenty, sometimes lag behind or the relation to your North Star is not direct but only delivered over time.
07 Jun 2023
Now that we got the Why? out of the way in part 1. Let’s face the difficult challenge on what DevRel Metrics we should collect in the first place.
01 Jun 2023
Metrics are the bane of existence for DevRel folks out there. At least in my perception. There seems to be a state of constant confusion and vague advice. I even watched a panel discussion about metrics once, where everybody seemed to avoid giving exact recommendations on how to tackle them.
20 Mar 2023
For my tutorial videos I want to provide high-quality subtitles. But I did not want to write them myself as this is a tedious task.
13 Feb 2023
This week I wanted to load test a grails application under real conditions. So I needed a simple way to deploy a grails application to a real server (not my notebook).
Older posts are available in the archive.